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The Earth Star Chakra is situated outside of the physical body, approximately 40cm under the feet [some believe it to be as much as 4m under the feet]. This is our direct connection to the Earth Goddess, Gaia, the Great Mother of All.


This chakra secures our auric connection within the three-dimensional physical world. It is through this chakra that we can discharge excess or negative energies, transmute them and then reabsorb positive healthy energy, subsequently recharging the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies within the self.

Without balancing the Earth Star Chakra it is almost impossible to completely balance the lower chakras of the physical body. Any efforts of manifestation will be hindered without grounding our spiritual energy to the Earth.


When the Earth Star Chakra is out of balance, we experience physical discomfort and an inability to function proficiently in our three dimensional world. This can lead to feelings of powerlessness and helplessness. We are also more susceptible to environmental pollutants and toxins, as well as geopathic stresses and severe weather phenomena.


A balanced, functioning Earth Star Chakra affords effective release of all excess energy into Mother Earth, allowing one to let go of outdated or encumbering thought forms and behavioural patterns that no longer serve the highest good of all.


When we connect with the Earth Goddess, we can tap into our inherent creative power and as a result, have access to limitless abundance and the source of All That Is.


To unblock and/or balance the Earth Star Chakra:


  • Sit on the ground or walk barefoot and feel the earth beneath you

  • Plant things! Get your hands deep into Mother Earth

  • Spend time in nature and just BE

  • Chant the vowel sound – ohm and hum [“mani padme hum” is a lovely mantra to help balance this chakra]

  • Yoga – lotus

  • Gaia Oil

  • Release and Grow Meditation


Black [shades of dark brown, green and red] is the colour associated with the Earth Star Chakra. There is a great deal of misconception about the colour black; it is in fact not the evil, demonic colour we have come to believe it is. In the East, black is worn at weddings and white to funerals. In the West we seem to be almost fearful of black, but without black there would be no contrast. Black is a powerful and necessary part of the colour palette, not to be ignored.


Black represents a withdrawing from life, as it is in nature at the time of winter. Our days end and begin with darkness – without it we would not be able to appreciate the wonders of the light. Black is the mysterious, the unknown, the dreamtime colour. It is a necessary contrast as represented by the Chinese Yin and Yang – what a beautiful contrast. Without black one cannot form the Whole.


Black carries a vibration of protection and aids in the release of negative emotions and thought patterns. It helps one to release fears of the unknown and symbolises the endings to the things that no longer serve the Highest Good of the Self. Black can help one to ground the self and accept both the positive and negative aspects of the self.


Too much black can lead to repetition of destructive behavioural and thought patterns. There tends to be a resistance to change and release. Depression and lethargy become prevalent.


An aversion of black divulges fear of one’s shadow and of one’s personal power. There tends to be a fear of the unknown and a need to conform.


Black symbolises the fertility of the life and death cycles. It carries potential and possibility..



Stones and Crystals

Black, brown, dark green and gold stones… [although essentially everything is gifted by the Great Mother]


Bloodstone, Boji Stone, Carnelian, Chiastolite, Fire Agate, Garnet, Haematite, Kyanite, Marcasite, Obsidian, Pyrite, Ruby, Smoky Quartz, Tiger Eye, Tourmaline, and Unakite [for accessing past lives]


Herbs and Oils

Bougainvillea, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vetiver


Foods to Heal the Earth Star Chakra

Root Vegetables [carrots, potatoes, turnips, radishes, etc.]

Water [and lots of it]


Gaia Oil ~ Earth Star Chakra Balance

Bronze is the colour associated with the Earth Star Chakra, stability, grounding and release. Working with the Gaia Oil helps to release blockages, and mental or emotional patterns associated with Earth Star Chakra imbalance.



I easily release all negativity and excess energy into Mother Earth

I willingly release all old beliefs and emotions into Mother Earth

I willingly release my need to control

I am One with Mother Earth and her energy flows powerfully into me

I am perfectly grounded and stable

Earth Star Chakra

Earth Star Chakra

Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Heart Chakra

Thymus Chakra

Throat Chakra

Brow Chakra

Soma Chakra

Crown Chakra

Soul Star Chakra

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